Friday, February 22, 2013

23/2/12 Evaluating My Film

   After screening my film "An Unreliable Narrator", I took down some notes for the constructive criticism that my peers and Ms Wong offered me.

  • Thoughtful cinematography (there was a deliberate attempt) e.g low to high tilt
  • Innovative transitions e.g jacuzzi to sea
  • Impressive exploration of idea 
However, there was certain aspects of the film that were unsatisfactory.
  • The voice in the protagonist's head was confusing (especially in the beginning)
  • A lack of portals despite good range of locations
  • Background song during chase scene did not match the pacing
   I have responded to the feedback above by devising methods in which I could improve my film both stylistically, aesthetically and thematically. In order to clarify the plot (concerning the omnipresent voice inside the protagonist's head), we could've tweaked the sound design by muffling the voiceover to enhance its realism. We could also have done something about its pacing, matching the protagonist's action more accurately to make it look more convincing.
   In addition, we could've been more creative in using portals. Although we explored quite a lot of different locations ranging from parks to seas, we were merely cutting and were not very imaginative in the transitions. For example, we could've covered the camera with the costume before revealing the camera again but this time in a different location. Last but not least, the song choice was also not very powerful as it did not match the reality vs imagination theme and also lacked the pace to match the chase scene. Overall, I think our group did a considerably well job, our film's strengths being the cinematography and exploration of plot/idea.

Youtube link for the film:

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