Friday, February 22, 2013

22/2/13 Final Reflection

   Having completed the unit of Twilight Zone, I felt that I should reflect on the knowledge and terminology that I have learnt, my co-operative and collaborative skills with my team members and also my growth as a filmmaker. My role for this semester was director, as my clear and strong pitch for my idea had convinced my classmates to vote for my artistic vision: a story that explores the hazy distinction between reality and imagination/illusion. I also tied in the inevitability of fate and free will through the protagonist's search for identity and purpose.
   Through the creation of this film, I have further learned and understood the concept of continuity editing and its importance in a film. In addition, I have also gained understanding of how to achieve continuity editing, whether it be smooth cuts or the emphasis on constant props and costume. Ms Wong has also taught me that mise-en-scène can be very important in enhancing the narrative of the film if it is deliberately chosen (for example using kid's playgrounds to resonate the theme of clowns). On top of that, I learned how to utilize and manipulate screen space to render the transitions from one portal to the other as natural as possible to the viewers.
   Since I was the director for this film, I had to exercise my leadership and organizational skills during pre-production, shooting and post-production. For example, I had to contact possible actors (after having first considered how they would fit their respective roles) before negotiating film dates with the editors to achieve a balance between having enough time for pre-production and post-production. I also found myself constantly reminding my group members/actors to bring their costumes and props to ensure our shooting was as efficient as possible. I also had to make key decisions and resolve conflicts between and within group members/actors. For instance, when we got kicked out of a planned location by the building's manager, I decided to explore the building just a few blocks away where the alley way was just as dark and desolate. Nevertheless, we all gave advice and help to one another when we had difficulty (as communicators in the IB profile), and as a result our teamwork was excellent and all learned something from each other after this unit. Not only did the powerful and influential role of director hone my leadership skills, I also grew as a filmmaker as I went through the key procedures (such as planning and supervising) of directing a film that represented my artistic vision.
Dedicated actors who braved the freezing sea as one of our portals. We later bought them a delicious lunch to express our gratitude.

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