Monday, November 5, 2012

Reflection 6/11/12 Responding to Feedback

   Today our film group screened our film noir "A Deceptive Detective" in front of the whole class. After watching the film a first time, our class and Ms Wong was quite confused due to the non-linear narrative structure. I explained the chronological plot of our film to the class, and they demanded to watch the film once more. This time they understood the complex and intricate plot although Ms Wong reminded us of a hole in the plot, as we had inadvertently reversed two scenes.
   Ms Wong gave us valuable feedback that would help us in improving our rough cut: the ambient sounds were excellent as they subtly contributed to the realism of the scenes. For example, the dinner scene was filmed in the living room, but due to the sounds of plates and knives clattering, the setting of a restaurant is established. However, the sound level throughout the film was quite inconsistent, where some scenes were significantly louder than others. In addition, although the background music was very noir-styled, at moments it was quite overwhelming and made the dialogue difficult to hear. I will make sure I balance out the sound levels and music, then test it by exporting the movie file and watching it. The voice-overs, on the other hand, were very well executed and not only let the audience understand more about the plot, but also fitted the film noir style very well.

                                                                 Rough Cut

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