Sunday, September 16, 2012

Reflection 13/9/12

We spent half of today's class watching our classmates' 1 minute edited clips of Double Indemnity. In order to discern its accuracy, Ms Wong played the clips side by side with the actual part of the film. Through this activity, I could easily tell whether the camera angles, framing, mise-en-scene and blocking were the same as the ones employed in the actual film.

    As a reflector in the IB learner profile, I thought that it was very hard to mimic the scene perfectly because of a myriad of factors, such as the actors' heights which would affect accuracy of camera angles. However, my group still did well considering the limited time and resources; one feedback that we received from Ms Wong was to pay attention of the aesthetics of the screen, and to think about negative and physical space as it can be a powerful conveyor.
   In the second half of the class, Ms Wong gave us an introduction on Film Noir. I have always heard the term before, but have never really understood what it meant and its archetypal characteristics. I acquired information on the internal and external settings of the Noir World, the Femme Fatale vs the Good Woman, cinematography, iconography and the quintessential themes (e.g prevailing cynicism, a contemporary world without moral certainty).

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