Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reflection 24/4/13 Class Notes

The spectrum of major film making forms:
 Documentary (closest to realism) ---  Narrative (story telling in a fictional world) ---  Avant-Garde

Avant Garde Films

  • a form of film making that uses only highly stylized image and sound to create a visual landscape that often has no clearly definable story
Common characteristics:
  • Autobiographical elements
  • Own language and symbology
  • Value chance and spontaneity
Differences from mainstream commerical films:
  • Rarely present straightforward stories/characters (deliberately making every viewer bring their own agendas to interpret the film's meaning)
  • Aesthetic, political or even philosophical means of expression
  • Often isolates and scrutinizes one technical aspect of filmography (e.g sound)
Specific Aspects:
  • Manipulation of time (through time lapse photography and fast/slow/reverse motion)
  • Negative and superimposition of images
  • Non-synchronized sound
  • Represents a sensual, emotional and aesthetic experience (to invoke emotions) instead of telling a story

Lithuanian filmmaker Jonas Mekas, considered as the "godfather of american Avant-garde cinema"

"These films confront us with the necessity of redefining an experience we were sure we understood". 

-Scott McDonald

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