Tuesday, April 9, 2013

10/4/13 Filming Stage

   Our production group returned from Easter holiday fresh and full of ideas for our upcoming film shoot. Although we were unable to get any footage during the holiday (due to all of us being away for vacation), we were fully prepared for filming our soviet montage production owing to our detailled shot list. As soon as class started, we briefed Ms Wong on what we were going to film and set off collecting footage.
  Being a reflective film student today, I bore in mind George's advice on filming throughout this lesson. He had warned us to always, always film more than what you would deem necessary, since each shot in a montage lasts only a couple of seconds and thus it would do no harm to have extra clips of the same shot. I responded to this piece of feedback by making sure we always filmed multiple shots for the same scene (for example a crumbled piece of paper dropping on the floor). Not only did we do several takes, we also experimented with different camera angles and framing so that we would have a larger selection of clips when it came to editing our film.
   Whilst the editor was importing the footage onto the computer, I started brainstorming possible soundtracks that would enhance and represent my artistic vision for this film. The following song had a complex timbre and fitted our theme and plot quite snugly, and therefore I have chosen it as one of the possible songs for this film.

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