Monday, January 28, 2013

Reflection 29/1/13

   Having already filmed the opening scenes and half of our portals over the weekend, our film group started editing the captured footage and looking for possible background soundtracks to enhance the narrative. Although my role is the director, I was a communicator today in the IB learner profile by helping out and giving advice to my other group members (the editor and sound designer). For example, I listed song suggestions to the sound designer so that he could grasp the mood that I wanted the music to create and represent my artistic vision. We looked through the soundtrack of the sci-fi thriller Looper (2012) and decided to integrate the song "A Life in a Day" in the ending of our film to establish an ambiguous atmosphere.
      While my other group members were working on their respective roles, I also planned for our next shooting date by using the "Shot Plan", which included specific scenes, times, casting, equipment etc. Not only will this help prepare our next shoot, it will also increase our efficiency when we film thus saving a lot of time for both the film group and the two actors.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Reflection 17/1/13

   In today's film class we split into our groups and worked on planning, scheduling and casting. First, we decided on our production roles within the group. As an IB learner, I was a risk-taker and volunteered to be something I have never attempted before: being a director. Although I have had experience in both sound design and editing, I have never taken on the role of a director before. This is slightly intimidating due to the responsibility and power that I now have, but I am also extremely excited to present my vision and work with my cohorts in creating this film.

   While planning the schedule, we found out that there are many limitations which delayed our filming dates. Our sound designer and editor argued to film earlier so that they would have more time to edit the film (rough cut, final cut..) After negotiating our timetables we finally reached a decision that appeased both the cinematographer so that she had time to plan and the editors so that they had enough hours to edit the film and smoothen the transitions.

   We also had some difficulty in casting. Due to the unique nature of this film's plot, I was looking for an actor with a recognizable, distinct voice so that his role as a narrator could be established quickly and convincingly. However, there were not many candidates and those who agreed to the role were even fewer. Through the process of planning, I have gained a deeper appreciation and understanding of how the cinema works.