Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5/6/13 Screening our Experimental Films

En QuĂȘte de la Raison - George, Travis, Jacob, Lawrence
  • Isolated and explored each element of a film to great comedic effect; cinematography, editing, plot/content.
  • Breaking the 4th wall to create a warped version of their first film-Standard Case-with manipulated cinematography and effectively, a severed plot. Suggested a film within a film.
  • Complete rejection of cinematic conventions led the audience to think about the basic elements of a film.
How Doth the Alligator - Angela, Allissa, Wilson, Henry
  • artistic cinematic techniques (projections, superimposition, reflections)
  • separation between reality and fantasy; from "outside looking in"
  • choppy soundtrack enhanced thematic elements of film
  • highly stylistic and conceptual, great experimental film.

Self Decadence - Erik, Max, Darien, Denis
  • interesting variety of shots to portray the different sins (long, unedited shots for sloth and quick, jarring pace for wrath)
  • great sound design to create a sad and spooky atmosphere
  • anonymity of character was powerful and helped convey the conceptual elements of the film
  • good exploration of the experimental genre and quite philosophical in the film's investigation of pride and sin

Audience's Response to My Film
  • Sad, dejected tone and timbre
  • A person who is trapped and lonely
  • Symbols: gates of hell, materialistic obsession